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07 Acid and Wine

Brother, keeper, vicious Reaper / Demons run when we / Call them by their name...

It may be difficult at first to find the cohesion in this diptych, but that is precisely what makes it so appealing. Consider the lyrics and contemplate what these images mean to you.

What are your demons? When you call them by their names do they flee from you...or run to you?


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Acid and Wine


He said:

Acid and wine

Might be good for your mind

Hold onto love

Hold onto love


He said:

Funny how much is revealed

As it burns, as it heals

Hold onto love

Hold onto love

Hold on


He said:

Feel it peel away karma and Jesus Christ

Science, governments, supermen, kryptonite

Find salvation in chemical overdose

Let it be father, mother, and holy ghost


Then he grins as you flicker and slip away

Lets you choke on the poisons he’d never take


Hold onto love

Hold onto love


Well who among us has it all

If none of us survives the fall

Brother, keeper, vicious Reaper

Demons run when we 

Call then by their name


Then he grins as you flicker and slip away

Lets you choke on the poisons he’d never take 

Picks your pockets, your flesh, and your memories

Leaves your bones for the dogs and Persephone


Strip me, strip away karma and Jesus Christ

Science, governments, supermen, kryptonite

Sweet salvation in chemical overdose

Let it be father, mother, and ghost


We’re too numb to be terrified 


Written and performed by Ionne

Published by Brand Label Music (ASCAP)

Copyright 2022 Ionne. All Rights Reserved.

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